Office Hours:
Class Schedule: Introduction to Complex Analysis, MWF, 12:00-1:50, TMCB 116
Research Interests: Analytic Number Theory, Complex Analysis
Degrees: Brigham Young University, BS in Mathematics (1990), BS in Physics (1990), Stanford University, MS in Mathematics (1993), PhD in Mathematics (1996)
Prizes and Awards:
- The Distinguished Teaching Award sponsored by the Savage Foundation in November 2011
- The Jordan canonical form for a class of zero–one matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications. 435 (2011), 2942-2954.
- Nonnegative minors of minor matrices, (2010), 1-16.
- Matrices related to Dirichlet series, Journal of Number Theory, 130(1) (2010), 27-39.
- Extended Laguerre inequalities and a criterion for real zeros, Proceedings of the 7th International ISAAC Congress Imperial College London, UK, (2009), 143-149.