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Gregory Conner

Permanent Faculty

Office: 292A TMCB

Office Hours: Winter 2025

  • Monday and Friday 11-11:50 am
  • Monday 1-1:50 pm

Class Schedule: Winter 2025

Math 314 Sec 002MWF 12-12:50p116 TMCB
Math 372 Sec 001MWF 2-2:50p104 TMCB

Research Interests: Geometric Group Theory, Topology, and Combinatorial Group Theory

Degrees: Humboldt State University, BS in Mathematics (1987), University of Utah, MS in Mathematics (1989), PhD in Mathematics (1992)

Prizes and Awards:

  1. 2012-2017 Simons Foundation Grant
  2. 2010 Fulbright Followup grant
  3. 2009 Distinguished Scholarship Award (Dept. of Mathematics)
  4. 2009 NSF grant for Moab Topology Conference (co-PI)
  5. 2007-2008 Fulbright Scholar
  6. 2007-2008 Ad Futura grant


  1. The Combinatorial Structure of the Hawaiian Earring group
  2. Homotopy of Ends and Boundaries of CAT(0) Groups
  3. Neighborhood Monotonicity, the Extended Zermelo Model, and Symmetric Knockout Tournaments, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (12) (2009), 3998-4010.
  4. The Rasch model and additive conjoint measurement, Journal of Applied Measurement, 10 (2009), 348-354.
  5. Resistance and Conductance in Structured Zermelo Tournaments, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 44(1) (2010), 37-52.
  6. A Sharkovsky Theorem for Non-locally Connected Spaces, Discrete Contin Dyn S. 32(10), 2012, pp. 3485-3499.
  7. Deforestation of Peano continua and minimal deformation retracts, Topology Appl.. 159(15), 2012, pp. 3243-3262.
  8. Arc-reduced forms for Peano continua, Topology and its Applications (2012),
  9. (with Curt Kent) Inverse Limits of Finite Rank Free Groups. Journal of Group Theory, 15(6), (2012) 823-829.
  10. (with Curt Kent) Inverse limits of finite rank free groups. 15(6), (2012) 823–829.
  11. (with M.L. Mihalik) Commensurated subgroups and ends of groups. Journal of Group Theory, 16(1), (2013) 107-139.
  12. (with Curt Kent) Local topological properties of asymptotic cones of groups.. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 14(3), (2014) 1413-1439.
  13. (with W. Hojka). Ends of Iterated Function Systems. Mathematiche Zeitschrift, 277(3), (2014) 1073-1083.
  14. (with Curt Kent) Local topological properties of asymptotic cones of groups. 14(3), (2014) 1413–1439.
  15. (with M.L. Mihalik) Commensurated subgroups, semistability and simple connectivity at infinity. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 14(3) (2015).
  16. (with M. Meilstrup and D. Repovs) Fundamental groups of solenoid complements. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, (2015) 24, 20.
  17. (with M. Meilstrup and W. Hojka) Archipelago Groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143, (2016) 4973-4988.
  18. (with J. Thuswaldner) Self-Affine Manifolds. Advances in Mathematics, 289, (2016) 725-783.
  19. (with S. M. Corson) The First Homology of Locally Connected Spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 232(1), (2016) 41-48.