Office Hours: Winter 2025
- Monday and Friday 11-11:50 am
- Monday 1-1:50 pm
Class Schedule: Winter 2025
Math 314 Sec 002 | MWF 12-12:50p | 116 TMCB |
Math 372 Sec 001 | MWF 2-2:50p | 104 TMCB |
Research Interests: Geometric Group Theory, Topology, and Combinatorial Group Theory
Degrees: Humboldt State University, BS in Mathematics (1987), University of Utah, MS in Mathematics (1989), PhD in Mathematics (1992)
Prizes and Awards:
- 2012-2017 Simons Foundation Grant
- 2010 Fulbright Followup grant
- 2009 Distinguished Scholarship Award (Dept. of Mathematics)
- 2009 NSF grant for Moab Topology Conference (co-PI)
- 2007-2008 Fulbright Scholar
- 2007-2008 Ad Futura grant
- The Combinatorial Structure of the Hawaiian Earring group
- Homotopy of Ends and Boundaries of CAT(0) Groups
- Neighborhood Monotonicity, the Extended Zermelo Model, and Symmetric Knockout Tournaments, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (12) (2009), 3998-4010.
- The Rasch model and additive conjoint measurement, Journal of Applied Measurement, 10 (2009), 348-354.
- Resistance and Conductance in Structured Zermelo Tournaments, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 44(1) (2010), 37-52.
- A Sharkovsky Theorem for Non-locally Connected Spaces, Discrete Contin Dyn S. 32(10), 2012, pp. 3485-3499.
- Deforestation of Peano continua and minimal deformation retracts, Topology Appl.. 159(15), 2012, pp. 3243-3262.
- Arc-reduced forms for Peano continua, Topology and its Applications (2012),
- (with Curt Kent) Inverse Limits of Finite Rank Free Groups. Journal of Group Theory, 15(6), (2012) 823-829.
- (with Curt Kent) Inverse limits of finite rank free groups. 15(6), (2012) 823–829.
- (with M.L. Mihalik) Commensurated subgroups and ends of groups. Journal of Group Theory, 16(1), (2013) 107-139.
- (with Curt Kent) Local topological properties of asymptotic cones of groups.. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 14(3), (2014) 1413-1439.
- (with W. Hojka). Ends of Iterated Function Systems. Mathematiche Zeitschrift, 277(3), (2014) 1073-1083.
- (with Curt Kent) Local topological properties of asymptotic cones of groups. 14(3), (2014) 1413–1439.
- (with M.L. Mihalik) Commensurated subgroups, semistability and simple connectivity at infinity. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 14(3) (2015).
- (with M. Meilstrup and D. Repovs) Fundamental groups of solenoid complements. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, (2015) 24, 20.
- (with M. Meilstrup and W. Hojka) Archipelago Groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143, (2016) 4973-4988.
- (with J. Thuswaldner) Self-Affine Manifolds. Advances in Mathematics, 289, (2016) 725-783.
- (with S. M. Corson) The First Homology of Locally Connected Spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 232(1), (2016) 41-48.