Denise Halverson Skip to main content
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Denise Halverson

Permanent Faculty

Office: 238 TMCB

Office Hours: Winter 2025

  • Monday and Friday 10-10:50 am
  • Wednesday 4-4:50 pm

Class Schedule: Winter 2025

Math 303 Sec 001Daily 9-9:50a135 TMCB
Math 656 Sec 001MWF 3-3:50p301 TMCB

Research Interests: Geometric Topology, Geometric Optimization,
Mathematics of Origami Inspired Design

Degrees: Brigham Young University, BS in Physics and Mathematics (1989), MS in Mathematics (1994), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, PhD in Mathematics (1999)


  1. Detecting codimension one manifold factors with topographical techniques, Topology and its applications, 11 (2009).
  2. Computational homology, connectedness, and structure-property relations, Computers, Materials and Continua (CMC), 15(2) (2010), 129-152.
  3. Quality control of heterogeneous materials through topological homology and entropy, SAMPE Technical Conference, (2010).
  4. Locally G-homogeneous busemann G-spaces, Differential Geometry and Its Applications, (2011). • Survey on the generalized R. L. Moore problem, (2011).