Kenneth Kuttler Skip to main content

Kenneth Kuttler

Emiritus Faculty


  1. An elastic-viscoplastic quasistatic contact problem with damage: existence and uniqueness of a weak solution, Archive Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 191 (2009) 423-445.
  2. An existence and uniqueness result for an elasto-piezoelectric problem with damage, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences., 19(1) (2009), 31-50.
  3. Existence results for dynamic adhesive contact of a rod, Journal of Math Analysis and Applications., 351 (2009), 781 -791.
  4. An elastic-viscoplastic quasistatic contact problem: existence and uniqueness of a weak solution, Archive Rational Mechanics and Analysis., 191 (2009), 423-445.
  5. Existence for the Thermoviscoelastic Thermistor Problem, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 17 (2009), 1-17.
  6. Two rods in dynamic adhesive contact, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Mathematics and its Applications, 1(1) (2009), 83-111.
  7. Dynamic analysis of two adhesively bonded rods, Annalsis of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Mathematics and its applications, (2009), 1.
  8. A dynamic thermoviscoelastic problem: An existence and uniqueness result, Nonlinear analysis, 72(11) (2010), 4124 - 4135.
  9. Dynamic Adhesive Contact of a Membrane, Journal for Analysis and its Applications, 29 (2010), 1-20.
  10. Thermoviscoelastic problem: numerical analysis and computational experiments, Quarterly Journal Mechanics Applied Math, 63(3) (2010), 288-294.
  11. Dynamic Adhesive Contact of a Membrane, Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 29 (2010), 1 -20.
  12. An existence and uniqueness result for a strain-adaptive bone remodeling problem, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 12 (2011), 288-294.
  13. Calculus Theory and Applications, World Scientific, (2011), 780.