Xian-Jin Li Skip to main content

Xian-Jin Li

Permanent Faculty

Office: 216 TMCB

Office Hours: MWF 9:00-9:50 AM

Class Schedule: Ord. Diff. Equations, MWF, 10:00-11:50, JKB 2113, Complex Analysis, MWF, 12:00-1:50, TMCB 116

Research Interests: Analytic Number Theory

Degrees: Hunan Normal University, China, BS in Mathematics (1982), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, MS in Mathematics (1986), Purdue University, PhD in Mathematics (1993)


  1. On Euler's product of Dedekind zeta function, International Journal of Number Theory, 5 (2009), 293-301.
  2. A transformation of Hankel type on the field of p-adic numbers, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 12 (2009), 205-229.
  3. On the Euler product of some zeta functions, Combinatorial Number Theory, (2009), 77-99.
  4. A generalization of A. Connes’ trace formula, Journal of Number Theory, 130(2) (2010), 386-430.
  5. An adelic Hankel summation formula, Journal of Number Theory, 130(3) (2010), 738-766.
  6. A spectral interpretation for the explicit formula in the theory of prime numbers, Science China Mathematics, 53(3) (2010), 791-812.
  7. Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Sonine spaces, and the Riemann zeta function, , J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 389(1), 2012, pp. 379-393.
  8. On the Explicit Formula in the Theory of Prime Numbers, Int. J. Number Theory. 8(3), 2012, pp. 589-597.