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Steven McKay

Teaching Professor
Permanent Faculty

Office: 236 TMCB

Office Hours: Winter 2025 

  • Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 3-3:50 pm

Class Schedule: Winter 2025

Math 213 Sec 005TTh 2-2:50p3104 JKB
Math 302 Sec 001Daily 10-10:50a135 TMCB
Math 314 Sec 004MWF 11-11:50a111 TMCB
Math 314 Sec 006MWF 1-1:50p112 TMCB

Degrees: Utah State University, BS in Mathematics (1983), MS in Mathematics (1985), Colorado State University, PhD in Mathematics (1990)


  1. Heroux, M., S. McCormick, S.M. McKay, and J.W. Thomas, Applications of the fast adaptive composite grid method, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 110, Marcel-Decker, (1988).
  2. McCormick, S.F., S.M. McKay, and J.W. Thomas, Computational Complexity of the fast adaptive composite grid (FAC) method, Applied Numerical Mathematics 6 (1989/90) pp. 315{327 .
  3. McKay, S.M., and J.W. Thomas, Application of the self adaptive time dependent fast adaptive composite grid method, Proceedings of the fourth copper mountain conference on multigrid methods, (J. Mandel, S.F. McCormick, J.E. Dendy, Jr., C. Farhardt, G. Lonsdale, S.V. Parter, J.W. Ruge, and K. Stuben, eds.,) SIAM, (1989), pp. 338{ 347.
  4. McKay, S.M., and J.W. Thomas, Application of the fast adaptive composite grid method to nonlinear partial di
  5. McKay, S.M., and J.W. Thomas, Resolution of moving fronts using the self-adaptive time-dependent fast adaptive composite grid method, Comm. in Appl. Num. Meth., 8, (1992), pp 651{659.
  6. Thomas, J.W., M. Heroux, S. McKay, S. McCormick and A.M. Thomas, Application of the fast adaptive composite grid method to computational uid dynamics, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow (C. Taylor, W.G. Habashi and M.M. Hafez, eds.,) Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., (1987), pp. 1071{1082.
  7. Thomas, J.W., and S.M. McKay, Generation of FAC patched grids, Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Mechanics '88, (S. Sengupta, J. Hauser, P.R. Eiseman, and J.F. Thompson, eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., (1988).
  8. Mckay, S.M., and C.L. Weingartner, Solution of the Sharpe-Lotka population model via a modified method of characteristics, Appl. Math. and Comp., 91 (1998) 161-177.