Colloquium: Godwin Osabutey (University of Bologna, Italy) Skip to main content

Colloquium: Godwin Osabutey (University of Bologna, Italy)

Tuesday, November 19
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
203 TMCB

Title: Explorations in Statistical Mechanics: From Atoms to Networks

Abstract: This seminar provides an accessible introduction to statistical mechanics, emphasizing key concepts without requiring a background knowledge. Statistical mechanics is a powerful framework for understanding how collective behavior emerges in systems of interacting components, from spins in a magnet to neurons in the brain. We will cover the partition function—a fundamental quantity encoding a system's properties—and explore the Ising model to illustrate how microscopic interactions lead to macroscopic phenomena, such as phase transitions and critical points. Finally, we will briefly discuss the Restricted Boltzmann Machine, a neural network model that parallels energy minimization principles in physical systems. This talk aims to highlight the broad relevance of statistical mechanics in studying complex systems across fields.
