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Our mission is to initiate a strong, ongoing network of students committed to apply mathematics in pursuit of academic excellence and the betterment of society.

People who can attend: Students enrolled in the Applied & Computational Math emphasis.

What we do: Our goal is to form a strong-knit group of students which will easily convert to an alumni group after we graduate. It will be a “students-helping-students” format. We will have students prepare presentations to teach and introduce new ideas and opportunities.

We are also going to be a strong component of the SAC which is already in place. The president of SACME will be on the board of SAC and we hope for all SACME members will also contribute to SAC. As Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis Majors, we look forward to making a strong commitment to SACME and the Math Department.

To learn more about the Applied and Computational Mathematics emphasis, click here.

For more information, please contact sacme@math.byu.edu.