Office Hours: Winter 2025
- Monday 10-10:50 am
- Wednesday 3-3:50 pm
- Friday 2-2:50 pm
Class Schedule: Winter 2025
Mat 341 Sec 004 | MWF 12-12:50 pm | TMCB 108 |
Research Interests: Several complex variables and harmonic analysis
Degrees: Ripon College, Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude (1996), University of Wisconsin at Madison, PhD in Mathematics (2005)
- An interesting family of symmetric polynomials, J. Brooks
- Zeros of a one-parameter family of harmonic trinomials, M. Brilleslyper, J. Brooks, M. Dorff, R. Howell, and L. Schaubroeck
- Constructing Group-Invariant CR Mappings, J. Brooks, S. Curry, D. Grundmeier, P. Gupta, V. Kintz, A. Malcom, and K. Palencia
- Zeros of a family of complex-valued harmonic trinomials, J. Brooks, M. Dorff, A. Hudson, E. Pitts, C. Whiffen, and A. Woodall
- Zeros of several one-parameter families of harmonic functions, J. Brooks, M. Dorff, S. Muthuprakash, and P. Tanner
- Sum of squares conjecture: the monomial case in C^3, J. Brooks and D. Grundmeier
- Algebraic properties of Hermitian sums of squares, J. Brooks and D. Grundmeier
- Algebraic properties of Hermitian sums of squares, II, J. Brooks, D. Grundmeier, and H. Schenck
- Zeros of a family of complex-valued harmonic functions with poles, J. Brooks and A. Lee
- A rank question for homogeneous polynomials, J. Brooks and K. Palencia
- Exploring the infinite: an introduction to proofs and analysis, J. Brooks
- The Szego kernel for certain non-pseudoconvex domains in C^2, M. Gilliam and J. Halfpap
- The Szego kernel for non-pseudoconvex tube domains in C^2, M. Gilliam and J. Halfpap
- An application of Macaulay's estimate to sums of squares problems in several complex variables, D. Grundmeier and J. Halfpap-Kacmarcik
- CR extension for tube-like CR manifolds of CR dimension 1, J. Halfpap
- Rotation of wedges of extendability for tube-like CR manifolds of CR dimension 1, J. Halfpap
- Signature pairs of positive polynomials, J. Halfpap and J. Lebl
- The Bergman and Szego kernels near points of infinite type , J. Halfpap, A. Nagel, and S. Wainger
M 10-10:50am
W 3-3:50pm
F 2-2:50pm