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Discrete Math Seminar: Tino Tamon (Clarkson University)

Thursday, February 22
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
203 TMCB

Title: State transfer via chiral quantum walks

Abstract: A continuous-time quantum walk on a graph is derived from the Schrodinger equation by viewing our adjacency matrix as the Hamiltonian of a quantum system. This quantum process on graphs has found useful applications in quantum computation. In the state transfer problem, the goal is to map a unit vector centered at a source vertex to a unit vector centered at another vertex. This problem was introduced by Bose (2003) in the context of quantum communication in spin networks.

In this talk, we explore chiral quantum walks where we allow complex entries in the adjacency matrix. Our goal is to describe some (old and new) unexpected twists due to chirality.
